Happy Valentine's Day Bitches!
Well fellow food bitches...it's going to be Valentines Day soon! Love the one you're with...even if it's yourself! #BothAreImportant
Go out and have a wonderful dinner or cook at home. If you’re cooking, make sure that you’re wearing a Food Bitch apron when doing so! All of the “cupid day” hype, is really just that. Love is what’s important, not the holiday.
But with most holidays, there will be food involved whether it’s a meal, dessert or both. Regardless, we recommend choosing something that melts in your mouth like chocolate. Be adventurous with the menu you receive, or be safe and choose a standard depending on what kind of food bitch you are. Just remember that if you are cooking at home, anything can happen. So, in the event that your meal isn’t perfect, be the right kind of food bitch or you could spoil the evening. If your partner made it for you, then hold off on your food bitch tendencies as they did their best.
One last tip, don’t forget to get him or her a gift! I mean, you're here on the website... so make it happen before it’s too late.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!